2. WIN: Improve on Your Own Personal Best.

Practice Makes Perfect

In the old definition of winning, we have to define a target to compete against and overtake that person in order to feel like we’ve won.  What kind of world is that?   Why can’t we just compete against our own personal best?  The answer is, we can! No one starts off  ‘perfect‘ so that doesn’t matter so much.  Just  go ahead and start because it is true that ‘practice  makes perfect.’  You’ve got to start somewhere.  Why not focus your energies on being the best you, doing the best you can, enjoying the ride, and competing only against  your own personal best record.   Strive everyday to “be better” than you were and you will continually grow.  And if constant and steady improvement is not winning, I don’t know what is.

Focus Your Energies on Being Your Best

Why not decide right now to go after whatever it is you truly want that brings real meaning into your life and not worry about who is ahead of you or behind you?  The more races I run, the more worn the paths will become and the easier and faster subsequent races will be. What if your goal were to become a little better every single day?  Wouldn’t that be a lot less stressful, contentious, and conflicting?  So get in the race to improve yourself and ignore the naysayers on the sidelines.  And remember, “You’re winning as long as you are in the race.”

I’m Barbara Talley, The Poet who speaks and inspires.   To find more about me, visit:  www.thepoetspeaks.com

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