Dream Derailer #1- No Energy (continued)

The Body, Mind, and Spirit Are Partners

Your body, mind, and spirit all require energy.  If your body is tired, run down, exhausted, or drained,  you can’t do your best work or in some cases can’t do much at all.  If you lack spirit and are dispirited, discouraged, depressed, or disheartened, you won’t be able to do what you want to do either.  The spirit gives us the will to do something.  That’s why they say, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” And if there is no will, there is no way you will succeed.   Many physically healthy people don’t have the will to do something about their dreams.  And many intelligent and spiritually minded people are not healthy and have no energy. The mind,  body and the spirit are partners and all must be taken well care of if you want to be able to succeed in this life.

Inspiration is Energy

You’ve got to keep yourself inspired and you’ve got to keep yourself healthy.  In my book, ‘The Excitement of value-based Living’ I discuss twelve sources of energy creation and energy drain.  I’ll share just a few here.  For the body, we must eat healthy foods, exercise, and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.  For the mind and spirit, we must pray, meditate, spend time consciously thinking, and have worthy noble goals.  If you take the time to take care of your mind, body, and spirit, you’ll have the energy you need when you need it.

I’m Barbara Talley, the poet who speaks and inspires.  To find out more about me check out: What Does Barbara Do? or visit  my website.

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